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goes best with a grain of salt...and a side order of snark
2002-04-08@10:39 a.m.

A few days ago I was reading through my favorite diaries when I came across this entry. After I was through with my "Amen, sister"s over the lickability of Michael Rosenbaum's head I began to think about the other matter the entry discussed. The seeming obsession in the blog/journal/diary world of needing people to know exactly what they were listening to, felt like, and/or had for breakfast that day. Being fairly new to this world I hadn't really noticed how widespread the obsession was until then.

And it gave me the most clever idea. What if I were to start a blog dedicated solely to that sort of thing. I mean, I do a lot of crap throughout the day (crap being the operative word of course) and I feel that my readers deserve to know all of it. But it would be so awfully taxing and more than a little boring to narrate my entire day. So I've come up with a simple way of listing important things that happened to me in a way that would merely suggest what I'd actually been up to. Thus mongis_day was born.

The categories are really rather self-explanatory, but just in case I'm much more clever than I thought I've taken the time to explain them anyway.

King/Queen of Winamp - The most played music track of the day.
Points Eaten - Weight Watcher's points that is, cause I'm obviously a very health conscious young woman.
TV highlights - I do watch quite a bit of television in the course of the day, but reliving it all would simply be too boring so I will list only the highlights and give each show a grade from 1-5.
Movies Watched - I watch movies as well from time to time and these will also be graded on a scale of 1-5.
Link of the Day - I enjoy surfing the web and occasionally come across some interesting sites...and crazy people. Both will be listed here.
Gripe of the Day - Exactly what or who shit in my Cheerios this morning.
Diary/blog/journal quote of the Day - These will mostly be from diaries on my favorites list (cause I'm biased like that) but others will make cameo appearances. If you come across a quote from your diary/blog/journal at mongis_day and would like it taken down please let me know and I'll shove it up...I mean, I'll get right on that.
Goal for the Day - The most important thing (in my own mind that is) that I need or needed to do that day.
See, it really was quite simple, wasn't it? Now go, children, visit mongis_day and satisfy that burning curiosity. Shoo! Go!

< my inner moppet made me do it - boy, was my face red >

profile rings wish d-land

Name: MsMongi aka Kim
AIM: Lola_N_Slacks

Too Pink? Bite me.

People who make me feel dumb:
