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its all just empty calories...yum.
2002-03-19@6:52 a.m.

Have you ever met anyone who even though you knew they were kind of shallow and lacking a lot in the brains department, you couldn't help but like, simply because they were so damn charming? You know you have. A lot of movies are like that too. Some of my favorite movies are like that. I used to struggle so much with liking movies I knew just weren't very good, or other people thought weren't very good. Such a blow to my ego to realize that some movie I absolutely loved was universally hated for some reason or another.

Take Get Over It for example. Like the title suggests its another crappy teen movie, but unlike others in its genre its ambitiously crappy. And therein lies the fun. Watching it you suspect that Ben Foster knows he could never get a girl like Kirsten Dunst ever in real life and he's just confused to have been cast as a romantic lead in the first place. But he has a cute every-guy quality that actually makes that interesting to watch. Kirsten Dunst is luminous as usual(bitch got charm oozing out her ass, I love and hate her in equal measure.) Colin Hanks is oddly enough near the top of my dream guy list. He was the only one to come out of Roswell not looking like a total asshole or completely untalented. Plus there's campy musical numbers and Shakespeare and if Martin Short doesn't make you want to yak this is a pretty good little flick.

I know Bring it On is probably listed as a favorite movie for tons of teenage girls on Diaryland, but do any of them actually think its good? Cause its really not much better than any of the other teen movies out there(my beloved Get Over It included.) Of course I love it anyway. The acting and script are miles above crap like She's All That(ugh, just typing that title makes me feel all dirty) and its got one of the coolest lesbian role models of all time. And don't even tell me Missy's not a lesbian, people, c'mon open your eyes.

Now for the guiltiest of all my pleasures...but first a little back story cause maybe then you'll cut me some slack. The first tv show I ever actively obsessed over was Due South(cop and mountie show set in Chicago for the uninitiated), it lasted two seasons in the US before it was canceled and shown only in Canada with one of the original leads replaced. Which pissed me off something fierce, until I finally got to see the third season and realized that the new guy was the most perfect man ever to grace the earth. That's right, the lovely Canadian Callum Keith Rennie. Yum. So I began to seek out every bit of his work that I could when one day a silly little kids flick comes on USA and I gathered my courage to sit down and watch(dun dun dun)...Masterminds. Its crap. It really really is and I can't explain my attraction to it at all. All I know is the second time I watched it I wasn't watching for Cal quite so closely and the third time it didn't even matter to me that he was in it. All I know is that if I spot it on a tv schedule I have to will myself away from it with all my might or I will watch it. Whether I want to or not.

Thats it, I think I've embarassed myself enough for one day. I'm not even gonna mention crap like Hackers or the fact that I've seen Empire Records at least a dozen times or that I still have a huge crush on Sean Astin in Toy Soldiers. No, I won't do that. Cause I'm all about my dignity.

< sing the boredom song with me - i didn't even miss john glover. good god! >

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Name: MsMongi aka Kim
AIM: Lola_N_Slacks

Too Pink? Bite me.

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