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little green grab bag from satan
2002-03-02@4:27 a.m.

Just a little randomness today. A few things that need to be addressed.

"i wrote a poem for you ben... ben, i see your heiny all nice and shiny it makes me giggle to see it wiggle another one ben, your bald head is so round it looks better when its on the ground one more ben, your fat sorrounds me like a pool it is so blurry that it makes me drool i love you ben!!!!!!! love, betty betts"

For those of you who haven't seen my guestbook this is the third or so entry in it. For those who have you gotta be as in love with it as I am. It never fails to make me laugh. I am a little conflicted as to what would make this funnier, either I don't know this person and they are incredibly screwed up or I do know this person and they love me enough to do this for me. I check my guestbook at least a couple of times a week and everytime I laugh at this. Either way, thanks a million, Betty Bets.

Movie Slash Archive

Yay, the Movie Slash archive is up and running again. You can go see my Forsaken fics archived under the name Mongibello. I'm warning you they're schmoopy to a rediculous extreme. I'll also warn you that if gay sex turns you off don't visit the archive. But if slash is your thing there's some great stuff here.

Regular bras suck if you're used to sports bras. Underwire. Ugh.

I love Lex!
Find out who your Smallville Lover is!

Brought to you by Juliette Torres.

Well, duh. Okay, I cheated. I just picked the answers I knew referred to him... after I got Clark the first time. Hey, he's great, just, ya know, underage(in an entirely fictional universe.) You know they've sucked you in when you can suspend disbelief enough to believe Tom Welling's a teenager.

Autumn: Of course I have tattoos. A tiara with princess (hence the e-mail) written underneath on my right hip and a black sun on my left shoulderblade. Funny, I didn't sweat the tattoos, but the idea of piercing anything fills me with terror.

Color Me Happy

Two great sites about dying your hair cool colors. Step by steps and good advice. I am going to have a links page eventually I swear.

One of these days I'm going to put up a grocery list as an entry. Really.

< i was bored writing it - hey! its not all porn >

profile rings wish d-land

Name: MsMongi aka Kim
AIM: Lola_N_Slacks

Too Pink? Bite me.

People who make me feel dumb:
