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hey! its not all porn
2002-03-03@2:18 a.m.

Since I discovered that my Forsaken fics were included in the Movie Slash Archive I decided to re-read them last night. I realized also why I like them so much more than my Buffy or Angel fiction. Forsaken is such a small fandom. Really, look around a few archives. The Roswell Slash Archive has all of it that I've ever found. And trust me I've looked. It includes my two stories and Lucy's lovely work. Buffy and Angel on the other hand are huge fandoms, with an untold number of writers and even more readers.

Working in such a small fandom is liberating. When I wrote my Buffy/Angel fics I was in it almost entirely for the feedback with the creative outlet nothing more than a bonus. I pandered to my audience, posting chapters of my works in progress anticipating what people would think of them.

My first Forsaken fic got zero feedback. But I wrote more anyway. I wrote my interpretations of the characters without worrying whether my audience would accept or like it. They're purely MY interpretation of the characters in the movie as opposed to re-interpretations based on other fics I've read or the fan majorities' opinion of the character.

For example, I wrote my first fic after the end of Buffy season four when the mass opinion of Buffy was that she was a selfish bitch. She barely appears in the story but the few times she does she's glued to Riley's side and acting like a major bitch. Not very original on my part. But more importantly it didn't reflect what I felt about the character at all.

I'm in no hurry to write more Buffy/Angel fic, but I have had a few ideas for Smallville stories I might like to write. I've been holding off on completing or publishing any of those for fear that I'd simply be reiterating what other writers have already explored. Hopefully by applying what I learned from writing in the Forsaken universe I can get over this and just write what I want. They aren't perfect by any means but they are at least honest. And since I've only recieved maybe half a dozen notes of encouragement about them its a huge surprise everytime I do get one.

Lindsey McDonald Fanfiction Archive
My first two fics are archived here. The first is called Wake in Me. The companion piece is called In the Wake. Ignore the asterisk next to In the Wake, it is complete. They're archived in the slash section and under the name Mongibello. Excessively schmoopy.

The One-Armed Man
They Always Get Their Man
These are part of my Crossover Saloon series. Pure smut. I loved writing these cause they were purely for fun and so I could practice writing sex scenes.

< little green grab bag from satan - a need like nothing else i've ever known >

profile rings wish d-land

Name: MsMongi aka Kim
AIM: Lola_N_Slacks

Too Pink? Bite me.

People who make me feel dumb:
