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i don't think i've ever even seen a gas oven
2002-03-13@2:39 a.m.

Sylvia Plath was my result on this one.
Take the Which Poet are You? Quiz - brought to you out of boredom and pretention!

Like I couldn't have guessed this one on my own.

Apparently I'm also T.S. Eliot and e.e. cummings as well. Something about cats. At least this quiz was honest about being pretentious. More than I can say for myself.

I feel decadent today. My mother is out of town so I'm taking advantage by sleeping in her bigger bed(with a feather mattress pad no less) and taking undisturbed hour long baths. I even shaved my legs.

I decided my last few posts weren't random enough so this one is dedicated to my short attention span.

Great TV night tonight. BtVS was finally really good again, I dig homicidal fucked up Buffy.

I'm still drooling over Smallville. I never had much use for Corin Nemec when he was actually famous, but I could just kiss him for what he did on Smallville. The HoYay wasn't even subtext with this guy. Thanks, Corin. Thanks for feeling up Lex while holding a gun to his head. Thanks for trussing him up like a turkey and talking real close. I really should send this guy flowers or a fruit basket, ya know, something.

Have you guys been watching The Osbournes? Elijah Wood cleaning up doggy pee. I'm not lying, coolest thing ever on a reality show.

I let my hair dry without putting pomade in it and now its puffed up into a sad little white girl 'fro. A bright pink halo around my face.

I hate cell phones. I was so ashamed of myself when I finally got one, but at least mine works. Somebody called me tonight that I really wanted to talk to, but I didn't get a chance because his cell sucks.

I'm starting to dislike my world class lurker status at TWOP. Even though I've posted there before no one knows me so I actually got welcomed to the boards today. I didn't want to seem like a smartass so I didn't say anything about how that would have been more appropriate back in October when Smallville first came on and the board wasn't as rediculously populated as it is now. That's the only bad thing about its popularity there, its hard to get a word in edgewise before what you wanted to say is already redundant.

Tom Welling and Kristin Kreuk on the cover of Rolling Stone. How does one make the prettiest man ever look ugly? Maybe he was constipated. Maybe Kristin farted and he was trying not to laugh. Learned nothing interesting from the article itself, except that KK has some issues and the reporter really wanted to fuck her.

Nothing else to talk about really, so now I'm gonna spend fifteen minutes trying to think of a semi-clever short description for this entry. No, really. Its not like I have anything better to do at 3 o'clock in the morning.

< blood - i'm a joiner and damn proud of it >

profile rings wish d-land

Name: MsMongi aka Kim
AIM: Lola_N_Slacks

Too Pink? Bite me.

People who make me feel dumb:
