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i'm really into stargate atlantis right now
2005-02-05@2:40 p.m.

I was going to write this in my LJ that I've never actually posted in because I really only use it to keep track of new recs over at The Crack Van, but I wasn't sure how I'd feel about this being the one and only entry over there. I mean it might seem a little creepy if anyone every actually stumbled onto it. So it's going here for the time being until I get up the energy to write my manifesto which would probably be called:

Lurkers are fucking creepy, man.

And I can say this because I am one. I'm fucking creepy. Newcomers (where'd you come from?) might not know, but I've been dipping my toe into several fandoms for way more years than I really want to count and with the exception of a brief period of insanity during which I actually wrote fanfic (very, very bad fanfic), I've been more on the silent stalky end of the fandom waters. (Also can anyone punctuate that sentence so that it's not ten feet long? And am I using "it's" right?)

Thus, I am a creepy little motherfucker. I mean it's bad enough that I read the fic and almost never send feedback (even if I later add it to one of the sub-folders in the Favorite Stories folder of my bookmarks), but I read their journals too. And then just don't say anything. Ever.

It's not even that I mean to read their journals, not the personal stuff anyway. I'm just looking for more fic, but for every fic entry there's always like five real life entries and occasionally they're funny or about Ipods and I end up knowing way more than I really should about a person that I can't even bring myself to say, "Hey, I dug your story," to.

Mostly I like lurking. I do sometimes wonder what the pure reader*'s place in fandom is though. It's hard to really be a part of a fandom community if all you have to offer is "Hey, I dug your story." I mean is it even possible to participate in fandom if all you do is read, or look at the pretty artwork, watch the cool vids? Is that where all the bitching about author's not answering feedback** comes from? The impotence of the lurker to have any sort of impact on the people she lurks? 'Cause I'll admit I get a little thrill when I get a thank you from someone I've sent a gush to. I don't really get pissed if they don't, because yeah, I get that these people have lives too, but there's always that little voice that wonders if they didn't write back because they didn't know who I was. Like they said, "What's the point?" Of course I'm probably just a little paranoid.

It is one of the reasons I had that talkback thing on here for so long though. I wanted anyone insane enough to read my random thoughts to feel comfortable to poke their nose in my business as much as they wanted. I mean open journal? I'm practically begging to be stalked by people other than Ecovlke. But as maudlin as some of that might have sounded I'm perfectly happy being a lurker. I just feel a little creepy about it.

*pure reader - someone who can't or doesn't write fic, but inhales it like the little slash slut that she is. And occasionally gen.
**I don't really know what I'm talking about, y'all, I've been lurking at
Metafandom all morning.

< do ipods dream of electric me's? - (deep voice) sunday! sunday! sunday! >

profile rings wish d-land

Name: MsMongi aka Kim
AIM: Lola_N_Slacks

Too Pink? Bite me.

People who make me feel dumb:
