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the dangerous lives of college coeds
2002-04-24@6:59 p.m.

It was summer. I was nineteen. And my boyfriend was breaking up with me.

I�d only known him for a week, but everything was perfect. The night we met he told me I was too beautiful for my own good and we stayed up all night just talking. (He also saw me participate in one of the strangest rituals of the truth or dare games that my friends and me played; the three-way kiss. But that�s beside the point.) He even wanted to wait to have sex with me until we�d been together for awhile (totally his idea, I practically threw myself at him.)

There was only one problem. The ex. Yeah, THE ex. The one he�d been dating for three years, the one he�d broken up with and gotten back together with at least a dozen times. You know the one. To his credit he did tell me about her, he warned me that he wasn�t completely over her, so as upset as I was it didn�t come as a complete shock when he broke up with me. The fact that he did it over the phone made me want to take a baseball bat to his legs, but that wasn�t the worst part.

I�m a little teary. I�m a little angry. I say sarcastically, �Well, I hope you two will be very happy together.� A female voice on the other end of the phone answers, �Oh, we will.�

When my roommate called a few minutes later I was still crying so hard that I couldn�t speak, I just wailed a word at a time. �He. She. Phone. Bitch.�

Three days later we got back together. I was in Wal-Mart, looking like shit cause I�d been crying the whole time, with a friend and my second roommate. Second roommate�s cell phone rings. Its first roommate saying she just had the strangest conversation with the boy. I should come home now because he�s on his way from Nashville.

She laid the smack down, I�ll give her that. She said all the things that I should have said plus threatened him with the baseball bat and muscular army guys that she knew.

So boy came over, said he was sorry, he was an idiot and he�d do anything to get another chance with me. And he didn�t want anything to do with the ex, a.k.a. the Bitch, ever, ever again. He also tells me he had no idea she was listening in.

A little over a week later boy sees ex at a bookstore and they decide to have dinner to just talk and get everything out in the open. They even had dinner at �their place�. They agree he�ll break up with me the next day when he comes into town to drive me to go pick up my car.

That night I can�t sleep. I have this terrible feeling that something bad is going to happen. Its confirmed when boy reaches my apartment the next day to find me napping on the couch in the living room. Instead of waking me with a kiss, he shoves at me with his foot. Still, he doesn�t say anything so even though I know what�s going to happen I get in the damn car anyway. �Rock Spectacle� by the Barenaked Ladies is playing in the tape deck. As it reaches the song �Break Your Heart� boy drops the not-so bombshell. He also admits that not only did he know the Bitch was on the extension, he gave her permission.

I only have one question. �Did you have to dump me during my favorite song?� Well, yes, apparently that was part of the plan. I still can�t hear that song without feeling a little bitter.

Months go by. Months that include at least a half a dozen drunken phone calls so I can tell him what a bastard he is and ask after the bitches health. Has she grown horns yet?

Finally, I get over him enough that I no longer feel the need to call him every time I have a drink when what should happen? Oh, yeah, he calls me. And long, boring story short, we get back together.

A few weeks later we finally do the nasty in my dorm room. A couple of weeks after that I move to Alabama. He drives eight hours to see me and take me to a movie. I dump him in the front seat of his car.

Sweet revenge and I got to see American Beauty for free.

< the human body is 80% water - a day in the life >

profile rings wish d-land

Name: MsMongi aka Kim
AIM: Lola_N_Slacks

Too Pink? Bite me.

People who make me feel dumb:
