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a day in the life
2002-04-25@12:59 p.m.

So I'm watching a court show (cause its daytime and I don't have a job, poo) and this guy claims he had to cheat on his wife because she was so fat. He said, "Who wants to go to bed with a hippo?" Of course I'm expecting one of those people Oprah used to have on, you know the ones who are so big they can't even get out of bed. Instead they show this gorgeous woman who probably couldn't stand to lose more than ten pounds. WTF?

Anyway, in the on going saga that is this exercise thing, I think I'm getting athlete's foot. Dude, I walk an hour a day, ain't no way I'm an athlete. How can I get their feet?

The shin splints are back, of course. I think its my arches.

My mother just made me write a grocery list even though she could see that I was doing something, while she sat on the couch and picked at her toes. No respect. The toe picking was obviously more important.

Oh, I wanted to clarify something about my last entry. It was supposed to illustrate how lame I used to be about guys. But somewhere in the middle of writing it I realized how bitter I still am. And not at him. I couldn't give two shits about him. Its her. We only had a few encounters (one of which left me with a weird quirk about a certain colored lighter), but a couple of my friends were more than willing to dish dirt on her. I was left with the distinct impression that she had cut off his balls years ago and no matter how hard he tried he could never get them back. I would not be surprised if I ran into him one day and I found out they were married. I would also not be surprised if he hit on me right after that. Sick people, I'm tellin' ya.

< the dangerous lives of college coeds - basking in the glow of the idiot box >

profile rings wish d-land

Name: MsMongi aka Kim
AIM: Lola_N_Slacks

Too Pink? Bite me.

People who make me feel dumb:
