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we need the wood
2002-04-21@6:12 a.m.

I'm not really a big reality TV fan. My mother is a total junkie for them though and since they're about the only thing that she watches that doesn't make me just sick to my stomach, I watch with her. Its good, clean family bonding. I gave her Buffy, she gave me Survivor. Now that's sharing.

So, watching the embarassing number of reality shows that I do, I have a few pet peeves pertaining to them. One in particular makes me want to heave every time I see it.

The God-will-help-me/us-win-this contestant.

You know who I'm talking about. The contestants who pray before every mission or challenge or what have you for God to let them win. Okay, now I don't mean to offend anyone and I do believe in a higher power. I also realize that these peoples' God is of the all-knowing, all-seeing, everywhere at once variety so helping them win is just a tiny, tiny drop in the bucket to Him. But still...its just a little bit selfish, don't ya think?

I mean, if they need the money so they can finance Grandma's hip replacement or life saving kidney transplant, fine. They should pray their little hearts out, more power to them, but if all they really want is money to buy a bigger house or a boat or some crap like that then just leave God out of it. Sure if you're doing a challenge where you're actually scared for your life, say a little prayer. I still think God's gonna look at ya a little funny if you make it up to heaven. "If you thought you might get killed, then why did you do it? Oh, money. You do realize greed is a sin, right? A big one, too." Most likely He won't say anything, He'll just give you that look your mom used to give you when you did something really stupid, like the time you cut your own hair when you were four (oh, shut up, you know you did!)

So this is my advice to religious reality show contestants: save your prayers for important stuff. Like when boarding the airplane to your destination or when you have no other choice than to drink the water. That's death and diarrhea, the only two things worth praying don't happen.

< i'm from the downside - i am such a four year old girl >

profile rings wish d-land

Name: MsMongi aka Kim
AIM: Lola_N_Slacks

Too Pink? Bite me.

People who make me feel dumb:
