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karma is a capricious little bitch
2003-04-10@12:26 a.m.

The Popping of Mongi's Cherry
Part One

Perhaps it would be best to begin with an introduction to the cast of our tale rather than just launching straight in. Starting with our heroine, me. Of course you already know me, but I think for everyone to get the most enjoyment out of this story(and pad enough so I can get at least two more days out of this) I should give you some idea of who I was at the time.

Seventeen year old Mongi Bello is typical of many teenagers. She is sure of only two things, that no one can possibly ever understand her complicated emotions and that her silver sneakers are the coolest thing ever. Since the beginning of her junior year in high school young Mongi has styled her clothes and makeup after Fairuza Balk's character from The Craft, but since its Dyersburg she can still consider herself completely original. Two weeks after our tale ends Mongi will decide to shave her head, this is in no way inspired by Robin Tunney's character from Empire Records, I swear, although she has seen it several times. But most importantly at the ripe old age of seventeen Mongi finally has a boyfriend.

The Boyfriend
Older than me was Nate's most alluring quality. But he also had this shaggy haired, indie music, dim bulb thing going on that really just worked for him. And whether he knew it or not he was the catylyst to my decision to have sex for the first time even though, while he was still my boyfriend when it happened, he was not the one I did it with. Nate was also a total pothead. At the time I had never tried it before. Yes, its true, Mongi once existed without the help of sweet Mary Jane. I was so averse to trying it at the time that I actually made up stories about knowing people who had horrible, awful things happen to them while smoking pot just to so Nate wouldn't realize that I was just scared to try it. I was afraid I'd end up doing something stupid which considering what ended up happening when I finally broke down and tried it my fears weren't unrealistic. And he made me listen to Sebadoh. I don't think I'll ever forgive him for that. But the most important thing about Nate is that he had an ex-girlfriend too.

The EX
Amanda Ball. Um, she was blonde. Bleach, I think. Honestly, I barely knew anything about the girl and remember even less. Except she owes me a dress. Green. Prom. You know what I'm talking about, bitch. The only important thing about Amanda is that not only was she Nate's ex, but she was the current girlfriend of...

The Cherry Popper
The taker of my innocence, the ravager of my...something. The guy I lost it to. My boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's boyfriend. I knew him through the theater department. He cast me as the Cockney girl in our school's production of Laugh In which I promptly got kicked out of cause our drama teacher was a bitch and made me cry when I asked for some rehearsal nights off so I could take a lead role in a play for a community theater department which got canceled anyway and I'm still a little bitter about that apparently. Basically he was nice to me when it happened and that was really the most contact we had before I decided to spread my legs for him. The most important thing about the Cherry Popper, Brad something, was that he was ugly(but he always had cute girlfriends[WTF?]) and he was hated by...

The Best Friend
J.K. also known as The Gayest Guy in Dyersburg High. He was as close to out as you can get without actually coming out. And he was the best friend a girl could ever hope for. He was catty and mean, he taught me everything I know about makeup and he introduced me to gay porn. I really do owe him so much. (BTW, I am Margaret Cho's definition of a fag hag. Yep, I went to his prom with him.) But, you guessed it, the most important thing about J.K., at least as far as my hymen is concerned, is that he was the one who convinced me to go to...


To Be Continued

< and i'm not the only one who bled - where have all the hymens gone? >

profile rings wish d-land

Name: MsMongi aka Kim
AIM: Lola_N_Slacks

Too Pink? Bite me.

People who make me feel dumb:
