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our generation's glass slipper
2002-03-24@6:57 a.m.

Its gonna take me forever to get used to this layout. I keep seeing all the little things that I could have done differently. Is the color okay? The only thing I really like is the font, I was getting tired of Arial(I use that on the Ben page.)

I think I'm getting sick. I've been all nauseated and warm for the past couple of days, and I'm constantly tired. If I weren't so pathetically celibate I'd say I was pregnant. But I'm clean going on a year now(no, more than that, dear god.)

The last person I had sex with was an eighteen year old with braces. I think it was the first time I knew it was a bad idea while we were doing it. Usually takes me ages to figure that out. At least I wasn't drunk that time, he might have that excuse, but I was just stupid.

Okay, so that brings up an interesting question that a little audience participation may be helpful in answering.

I'm trying to figure out who I lost my virginity to. Hold on, its not quite that sordid. Its an age old question really. If it goes in, but the deed is not done, does that count as the loss of virginity?

I'm kind of hoping it does, cause the second guy was such a jerk I hate to think I gave up that as well as everything else I gave the bastard. And yes I am aware of the juvenile nature of this question and considering that I think girls who insist they're virgins despite their proficiency in oral sex are stupid, then its probably also a really dumb question as well. Too bad I already used 'i am such a teenage girl' as a title, cause that really does sum it up the best.

< about the design - dick and fart jokes >

profile rings wish d-land

Name: MsMongi aka Kim
AIM: Lola_N_Slacks

Too Pink? Bite me.

People who make me feel dumb:
