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2002-11-13-liars, guns, and bandwidth usage
2002-11-05-but obsession is such a strong word
2002-10-31-sit the fuck down, fayetteville!
2002-08-26-the chosen one
2002-08-20-its called filler. deal with it.
2002-08-19-the balding cop gazed into his partner's lovely eyes
2002-08-10-entertain the brutes
2002-08-08-lord of the stink
2002-08-06-"I knew I'd married a gay man!"
2002-08-04-at the mercy of my keyboard
2002-08-03-paperback writer rides again
2002-03-19-woman no cry. baby no sleep.
2002-03-16-pitiful excuse for an update, but, hey, I'm using AOL
2002-07-08-mongi's theory of faeries
2002-07-04-'twas brillig and the slithy toves
2002-07-03-so glad to be out of my fetal position
2002-07-01-i'm in too much pain to think of a title
2002-06-29-its from the earth, its gotta be good
2002-06-28-i defy all explanation
2002-06-26-blowin' in the wind
2002-06-24-antonym farm
2002-06-23-an act of uncharateristic optimism
2002-06-20-i think i'm in the wrong band
2002-06-13-i don't believe in writer's block
2002-06-10-the electric mongoose sprays at dusk
2002-06-09-trading addictions on the stock market of life
2002-06-07-where oxy pads fear to tread
2002-06-06-what is it about the bald ones?
2002-06-05-the rumors of my death have been... aw, screw it.
2002-05-29-there isn't enough valium in the world to calm me down
2002-05-28-that american eagle card finally came in handy
2002-05-27-at last, but then again, maybe not...
2002-05-25-"We're both sick in our little ways."
2002-05-25-ewwww! help!
2002-05-23-becoming a survivor: step one
2002-05-22-flu induced cabin fever, or i'm sick of being sick
2002-05-19-why y'all got waste my flava? damn!
2002-05-18-up flu creek...where the fuck is my paddle?
2002-05-17-long, long ago in a sinus cavity way, way up my nose
2002-05-16-"sleep, those little slices of death, how i loathe them."
2002-05-15-the barter system
2002-05-12-self censorship is highly overrated
2002-05-10-subtext in the multiplex
2002-05-09-maybe i should just make a collage
Wednesday, May. 08, 2002-"I love your hair colour. What number is that?"
Tuesday, May. 07, 2002-bad day at mongi-rock
Tuesday, May. 07, 2002-i think i've just been jossed
Saturday, May. 04, 2002-taking the long way home
2002-05-03-everything you wanted to know, but were too damn lazy to ask
2002-05-01-coming soon to a theater near you
2002-04-29-my sims have better furniture than I do
2002-04-28-only a professional can diagnose these disorders
2002-04-27-thick as thieves
2002-04-26-basking in the glow of the idiot box
2002-04-25-a day in the life
2002-04-24-the dangerous lives of college coeds
2002-04-23-the human body is 80% water
2002-04-22-i am such a four year old girl
2002-04-21-we need the wood
2002-04-20-i'm from the downside
2002-04-19-nausea, my new best friend
2002-04-19-seeing the trees
2002-04-18-weirdness abounds in the search engine world
2002-04-18-my so-called night life
2002-04-17-next thing you know, i'll be asking for decaf
2002-04-16-take two and call me in the morning
2002-04-15-they're coming to take me away, ha ha!
2002-04-14-up, up, and away!
2002-04-12-its all about me...me! me! me!
2002-04-11-no i banda? huh?
2002-04-10-nightmare in my tummy: revenge of the enchilada
2002-04-09-never rub another man's rhubarb
2002-04-08-boy, was my face red
2002-04-08-goes best with a grain of salt...and a side order of snark
2002-04-06-my inner moppet made me do it
2002-04-06-but my feet show it cause their longfellows
2002-04-05-how many calories are in that horse?
2002-04-04-so am i a summer or a winter?
2002-04-03-you're gonna make it after all
2002-04-02-sounds so sweet to me
2002-04-01-mindless navel gazing or thought provoking self survey?
2002-04-01-don't take any wooden nickels
2002-03-31-i require a full hour before i'm awake
2002-03-30-oh joyous day! calloo, callay!
2002-03-29-oh lexy, so sexy.
2002-03-29-faster, pussycat! dye! dye!
2002-03-28-midol! why hast thou forsaken me?
2002-03-27-ramblings from the net or, the inscrutable MsMongibello
2002-03-26-blech, blah, errr, and argh!
2002-03-25-dick and fart jokes
2002-03-24-our generation's glass slipper
2002-03-23-about the design
2002-03-23-i'm okay, you're not bad
2002-03-22-the battle of who could care less
2002-03-21-i am such a teenage girl
2002-03-20-why, yes, i believe i am a little self obsessed
2002-03-20-i didn't even miss john glover. good god!
2002-03-19-its all just empty calories...yum.
2002-03-18-sing the boredom song with me
2002-03-16-a whole wide world of suck
2002-03-15-"save me", their evil is "unstoppable"!
2002-03-14-man, i didn't need to know that
2002-03-13-i'm a joiner and damn proud of it
2002-03-13-i don't think i've ever even seen a gas oven
2002-03-11-humans can lick too
2002-03-10-sim-o-cidal thoughts
2002-03-07-its a little like a ferris wheel, complete with the puking
2002-03-07-just an ounce of pity, please
2002-03-04-a need like nothing else i've ever known
2002-03-03-hey! its not all porn
2002-03-02-little green grab bag from satan
2002-02-28-i was bored writing it
2002-02-26-i'm more interested in your new haircut than who's having who's baby
2002-02-22-i bet that candy tasted like crap anyway
2002-02-21-who needs a life when you've got the net?
2002-02-20-scatter my brains to the wind
2002-02-19-the unbelievable adventures of geek girl
2002-02-17-fun loving mormons
2002-02-15-its a madhouse!
2002-02-08-blah blah obsessive-cakes
2002-02-05-i am the demographic
2002-01-29-sign my guestbook!
2002-01-28-maybe if you took off the 'let'.
2002-01-28-a little something extra


profile rings wish d-land

More Old Stuff

2004 - 2005

People who make me feel dumb:
